ACE Exchange隱私權政策
最新修改日期:2024 / 7 / 1
- 本隱私權政策係為保護您的說明,當您無論以任何方式進入或使用ACE Exchange服務和本平台,表示您已同意本隱私權政策和使用條款中所述的政策和原則,且本隱私權政策縱使經過修訂、更改或更
新,如您未停止、或您繼續進入或使用任何ACE Exchange服務或本平台的行為,您也將被視為已接受本隱私權政策及其修訂、更改或更新。 -
ACE Exchange服務和本平台,請您見諒。
第一節 個人資訊蒐集或處理
當您註冊或進入ACE Exchange服務和本平台時,ACE Exchange會蒐集、處理您的個人資料,可能會蒐集、利用、處理及國際傳輸您的資訊類別,包括但不限於下述類別:
(1)用戶提供之個人資訊。為註冊ACE Exchange帳戶以使用ACE Exchange服務和本平台,您會提供您的個人資料,例如姓名、住址、電話號碼、電子郵件地址、出生日期、身分證號碼、國籍、職業和銀行帳戶資訊、財務狀況等。針對您提供的個人資料,ACE Exchange會採取適當的行動和程序。
i、我們依個人資料保護法中關於特定目的及個人資料類別的規定(下稱「目的及類別:」,可能有:C001(辨識個人者)、C002(辨識財務者)、C003(政府資料中之辨識者)、C011(個人描述)、C031(住家及設施)、 C032(財產) C083(信用評等)、 C102 (約定或契約)等。
ii、ACE Exchange蒐集、處理上述個人資料的特定目的為:(1)驗證用戶、(2)驗證您進入或使用ACE Exchange服務和本平台的程序、(3)與您建立並保持良好的商業關係、(4)瞭解您的需求以及您是否適合使用產品與服務、通知您關於交易和財務資訊、廣告、廣告訊息和其他新聞、(5)為您提供產品或服務、(6)處理帳單和收取費用、(7)進行調查並取得您的回饋、 (8)確保ACE Exchange符合相關法令規範之要求。上述目的的類別為: 036(存款與匯款)、 040(行銷(包含集團共同行銷業務))、 063(非公務機關依法定義務所進行個人資料之蒐集處理及利用)、 069(契約,類似契約或其他法律關係事務)、 090(消費者,客戶管理和服務)、 094(財產管理)、 135(資(通)服務)、 136(資(通)訊和資料庫管理)、137(資通安全與管理)、148(網路購物及其他電子商務服務)、154(徵信)、157 (調查、統計與研究分析)、 181(其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務)。
(2)自動蒐集用戶資訊。當您透過網路進入或使用ACE Exchange服務和本平台時,本公司將可能自動接收並記錄您的電腦、手機或其他通訊設備傳送給我們的資訊,該資訊包括但不限於您的IP位置、用戶要求取用的網頁記錄及數據等。
i、上述ACE Exchange自動蒐集的個人資料的類別為:C001(辨識個人者)、 C035(休閒活動及興趣)、C036(生活格調)。
ii、ACE Exchange蒐集上述個人資料的目的為:(1)分析您對於ACE Exchange服務和本平台的使用情形、(2)根據您的偏好開發與客製化 ACE Exchange服務和本平台。上述目的類別為:040(行銷(包含金控共同行銷業務)) 、090(消費者,客戶管理和服務)、135(資(通)服務)、 136(資(通)訊和資料庫管理)、148 (網路購物及其他電子商務服務)、 157(調查、統計與研究分析)、181(其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務)。
- 當您進入或使用ACE Exchange服務和本平台時,ACE Exchange將會蒐集並儲存您的個人資料。您的個人資料可能會存放在您所在的法律管轄地之外。目前將會存放在台灣,但亦可能會因ACE Exchange所使用的服務提供商不同而有變動。在此情形下,資料位址所在地的政府、法院、執法單位或監管機構,可能會依據該地之法律取得您的個人資料。請注意,該資料位址對於隱私的標準可能會低於您所在的法律管轄地的隱私標準。
第二節 利用您的個人資料
- ACE Exchange可能會基於以上所述一個或數個特定目的蒐集或處理您的個人資料,並於必要範圍內進而利用您的個人資料。但有下列情形之一者,得為特定目的外之利用:(一)法律明文規定(二)為增進公共利益所必要。(三)為免除當事人之生命、身體、自由或財產上之危險。(四)為防止他人權益之重大危害。(五)公務機關或學術研究機構基於公共利益為統計或學術研究而有必要,且資料經過提供者處理後或經蒐集者依其揭露方式無從識別特定之當事人。(六)經當事人同意。(七)有利於當事人權益。
- ACE Exchange將持續利用您的個人資料,直到ACE Exchange停止提供服務和本平台,或您可透過本隱私權政策提供的聯絡管道聯繫我們,明確要求我們停止利用您的個人資料,於此情形下,我們將可能無法繼續向您提供ACE Exchange服務和本平台。
第三節 第三方分析和廣告
- 為了開發或改善ACE Exchange服務和本平台,ACE Exchange可能會邀請第三方服務提供商來協助我們蒐集、研究和分析有關您使用ACE Exchange服務和本平台的資訊。該第三方服務提供商也可能會使用cookies及類似技術來蒐集有關您使用ACE Exchange服務和本平台的類似資訊。未取得您的同意,ACE Exchange不會提供任何足以識別您個人身份的資訊給這些第三方服務提供商。但請注意,ACE Exchange無法控制該第三方服務提供商如何使用相關技術,且其如何使用相關技術是受該等第三方服務提供商的隱私權政策所拘束,並不受本隱私權政策所拘束。
- ACE Exchange可能會允許第三方廣告服務或網路商在ACE Exchange服務和本平台以及第三方服務提供商的網站上放置廣告,於此情形,該廣告服務或網路商會自動收到你的IP地址。他們也可能使用其他技術來評估其廣告的有效性並客製化廣告內容。若廣告服務或網路商要求ACE Exchange向特定受眾展示廣告,而您對該廣告作出回應,則該廣告服務或網路商可能會認定您符合他們所要觸及的受眾。
- ACE Exchange本身不回應「不追蹤」的信號,且我們無法掌控第三方是否會回應該信號。
第四節 分享或揭露個人資訊
ACE Exchange在蒐集、處理或利用您的個人資料時,除非有下述情形,否則ACE Exchange不會任意將您的個人資料分享、轉讓、出售或出租等或以其他方式揭露予第三人:
(1)您的同意。除本隱私權政策中所述的情況外,未經您的同意,ACE Exchange 不會將您的個人資訊分享或轉讓給第三方。
(2)服務提供者。ACE Exchange依據合理判斷,將您的個人資料與重要第三方分享或揭露予重要第三方,包括但不限於ACE Exchange及其關係企業、合作銀行與其所委任之第三方服務提供者、電信公司和其他服務提供商,以方便您進入或使用ACE Exchange服務和本平台、加強我們的KYC(了解您的客戶)驗證程序防止詐欺,以及協助ACE Exchange遵循法令及實行防制洗錢和打擊資恐相關政策。這些重要第三方得於特定目的為:063(非公務機關依法定義務所進行個人資料之蒐集處理及利用)、069 (契約,類似契約或其他法律關係事務)、090(消費者,客戶管理和服務)、094(財產管理)、135(資(通)服務)、 136(資(通)訊和資料庫管理)、137(資通安全與管理)、154 (徵信)157(調查、統計與研究分析)、181(其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務)內,蒐集、處理與利用您個人資料的目的及類別為C001(辨識個人者)、C002(辨識財務者)、C003(政府資料中之辨識者)、C011(個人描述)、C031(住家及設施)、C032(財產)、C083(信用評等)、C102(約定或契約)之個人資料。若您不同意依上述分享或揭露您的個人資料給上述服務提供者,請依本隱私權政策中的聯絡管道與我們聯繫,於此情形下,ACE Exchange可能無法繼續為您提供服務和本平台。
(3)具有司法管轄權之主管機關。若具有司法管轄權之主管機關要求ACE Exchange 提出您的個人資料時,我們可能會配合提出。
(4)合併與收購。當ACE Exchange 決定與第三方進行出售、購買或合併行為時,我們可能會將您的個人資料分享、移轉或揭露給該第三方。
第五節 資訊保護措施
- ACE Exchange 使用合理的技術及資訊安全措施【包括但不限於建立防火牆、加密技術、使用者辨識系統(例如密碼及個人帳號)及存取控制機制等】,為您的個人資料提供適當的避免上述風險發生。惟ACE Exchange無法保證您提供的個人資料或我們自動蒐集的個人資料不會被駭客或任何電腦專家的攻擊而存取、揭露、更改或銷毀之可能性。
- ACE Exchange非常重視您個人資料的安全性並善盡保護責任。同時也請您妥善保管個人資料、CA(Certificate authority)憑證或密碼,並提醒您不要將任何個人資料(尤其是密碼)提供給任何人或其他機構。於使用完本網站所提供的各項服務功能後,請您務必登出。
- ACE Exchange為避免影響您的使用者體驗,在您使用ACE Exchange網站或行動應用程式(APP)進行登入時並不會遮蔽您的帳號(包括手機與信箱),另因您需輸入密碼登入後方得查看其個人資訊如客戶編號、資產資料、交易紀錄與錢包地址,且前述資料非屬支付工具(如銀行帳戶及驗證資料)等高風險資訊,故ACE Exchange未於介面就前述資訊進行遮蔽。請您確實保管所使用之裝置、設備及相關登入資訊之安全,避免於登入時進行畫面截圖或錄影,或於公開場合使用,以防止他人讀取或窺視您的個人資料,並造成取得登入資訊、竄改基本身份資料、毀損紀錄、資產喪失等情形。如您發現有前述情事,請立即通知ACE Exchange停止相關權限並採取防範措施(包括但不限於暫停入金、變更密碼等),ACE Exchange將協助調查釐清冒用或盜用之事實,惟若因您故意或過失所導致損害,應由您自行承擔。
第六節 個人資料保護相關權利
您可以依本節規定向ACE Exchange行使或要求下列權利:
(5)請求刪除。 -
您若依上述權利向ACE Exchange請求查詢閱覽或製給複製本時,ACE Exchange應依您的請求之日起十日內確定是否同意該請求,但有下列情形之一者,不在此限:
(3)妨害該蒐集機關或第三人之重大利益。 - 如有必要,十日之期限可再延長,但延長之期限不得超過十日,並將以書面形式(電子或紙本形式)通知您延長期限的原因。又我們可能會對查詢、請求閱覽或複製個人資料者收取程序成本費用。
- 您若依上述權利請求補充和更正ACE Exchange所蒐集的您的個人資料時,ACE Exchange應在收到您的請求之日起三十天內確定是否同意該請求,除非對於您的個人資料正確性存有爭議則不在此限。如有必要,三十日之期限可再延長,但延長之期限不得超過三十日,並將以書面形式(電子或紙本形式)通知您延長期限的原因。
- 您可以按照適用的法律,透過本隱私政策中提及的聯絡資訊與我們聯繫,行使上述權利。在某些情況下,例如刪除或停止處理或使用您的個人資訊,可能意味著我們將無法向您提供ACE交易所服務和本網站。
第七節 兒童隱私
ACE Exchange 服務和本平台不適用於適用法律規定的未成年人。我們不會故意收集適用法律規定的未成年人的個人信息,如果我們發現此類收集行為,我們將採取合理措施盡快刪除任何此類信息。
第八節 Cookies
- ACE Exchange 可能使用 cookie 來改進和更新我們向您提供的服務。Cookie 是一小段文字檔,由網站存儲在使用者的網頁瀏覽器中,允許 ACE Exchange 辨識您的電腦或設備。例如,cookie 可以存儲您的用戶名和密碼,以消除您返回 ACE Exchange 服務和本平台時重新輸入的需求。Cookie 還可以記錄您的偏好,使 ACE Exchange 可以向您提供定制的服務。
- 如果您不希望接收 cookie,或者希望在放置之前收到通知,您可以設置您的網頁瀏覽器來達到此目的。請注意,如果關閉 cookie,您可能無法查看 ACE Exchange 服務和本平台的某些部分,這些部分可能會增強我們向您提供的服務。ACE Exchange 的一些商業合作夥伴,例如與 ACE Exchange 服務和本網站相連接的或從中連接的在線資源,也可能使用 cookie 或類似技術。但是,請理解我們無法訪問或控制這些 cookie。
第九節 第三方網站連結
ACE Exchange的服務和本平台包含指向其他網站和在線資源的連結。本隱私政策僅涵蓋ACE Exchange的隱私實踐,不涵蓋其他網站或在線資源的隱私實踐。請注意,ACE Exchange不對其他網站或在線資源的隱私政策和/或實踐負責。如果您連結到任何其他網站或在線資源,請查閱該等網站或在線資源的隱私政策,因為您與它們的互動應受其隱私政策和規則的管轄。
第十節 內容修正
ACE Exchange保留在其唯一判斷下隨時修改本隱私政策的權利,並且無需事先通知。如果ACE Exchange修改本隱私政策,ACE Exchange將在 或ACE Exchange認為適當的其他方式上張貼最新修訂版本。繼續訪問或使用ACE Exchange的服務和本網站表示,您同意並明確同意受修改後的隱私政策約束。在任何重大變更後,您可能需要重新確認和重新接受本隱私政策。如果您不接受修改後的隱私政策,您必須停止使用ACE Exchange的服務和本平台。
第十一節 聯繫方式
如您對本隱私權政策有任何問題,或依第六節個人資料保護行使相關權利,請透過客服信箱 與我們聯繫。
ACE Exchange Privacy Policy
Last Revised Date: JUL 1 , 2024
ACE Exchange respects your privacy and takes your privacy seriously. This privacy policy describes the policies and principles on the personal information collection, use, disclosure and sharing of your personal information when you access or use ACE Exchange Services and this Site by any means (including but not limited to via, devices or services provided by any other third party) (“Privacy Policy”). By accessing or using ACE Exchange Services and this Site, you consent to the policies and principles described in this Privacy Policy and Terms of Uses.
If you register with or access ACE Exchange services or this site, you are deemed to agree to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. Your non-termination or continued access to or use of any ACE Exchange services or this site after the effective date of any amendments, changes, or updates constitutes your acceptance of this privacy policy, as modified by such amendments, changes, or updates.
You may decide whether to provide your personal information to us, and you may decide whether to exercise your rights as stipulated in Article 6 of this Privacy Policy. However, please note that if you decide not to provide your personal information to us, ACE Exchange may not be able to provide ACE Exchange Services and this Site to you.
Capitalized terms that are not defined in this Privacy Policy shall have the same meaning in Terms of Use.
Information Collection
- ACE Exchange collects your personal information when you register or access to ACE Exchange Services and this Site or otherwise interact with ACE Exchange. ACE Exchange may collect the categories of information, including, but not limited to, the categories described as below:
A. User-Provided Information
You provide ACE Exchange with your personal information such as your name, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth, social security number/government identification number,nationality,occupation information regarding your bank account, and your financial circumstances to become a registered user for accessing ACE Exchange Services and this Site. You also provide ACE Exchange with any information related to your Content and Feedback so ACE Exchange may, in its sole discretion, proceed the proper actions and procedures under this Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Some of information you make available to ACE Exchange Services and this Site may be searched by search engines.
- The aforementioned personal information that you provide to ACE Exchange are classified as C001 (information identifying individuals), C002 (information identifying finance), C003 (information identifying in government data), C011 (description of an individual), C031 (residence and facilities.), C032 (properties), C083 (credit ratings), and C102 (agreement or contract) in the Specific Purpose and the Classification of Personal Information of the Personal Information Protection Act (“Purpose and Classification”).
- The purposes that ACE Exchange collects the aforementioned personal information are (i) authenticating users, (ii) validating the process that you access or use ACE Exchange Services and this Site, (iii) establishing and maintaining a responsible commercial relationship with you, (iv) understanding your needs and your eligibility for products and services, (v) informing you about trading and financing features, commercials, advertising materials, and other news, (vi) delivering products and services to you, (vii) processing billing and collection of any fees, (viii) conducting surveys and getting feedback from you, and (ix) meeting ACE Exchange’s the legal and regulatory requirements. The 3 aforementioned purposes are classified as 036 (deposit and remitting), 040 (marketing (including financial cross-selling business)), 063 (non-government agency collect or process personal information under legal obligations), 069 (contract, contract-like or other legal relation matter), 090 (consumer, customer management and service), 094 (property management), 135 (information (communication) services), 136 (information (communication) and database management), 137 (information (communication) security and management, 148 (internet shopping and other electronic commerce services)), 154 (reference), 157 (investigation, statistics and research analysis), and 181 (other business operation in accordance with the business registration or bylaws) in the Purpose and Classification.
B. Automatically collected information
When you access or use ACE Exchange Services and this Site through the internet, ACE Exchange may use certain technologies, including, but not limited to cookies and similar technologies, to collect information sent to us through your computer, mobile phone, or other access device, which includes, but not limited to (i) your IP address, device information, such as identifier, device name and type, operating system, location, mobile network information, (ii) the information related to the methods and preferences you interact with ACE Exchange Services and this Site, such as your browser type, traffic to and from our site, the link you accessed, the pages you visited, and the time you accessed or exited ACE Exchange Services and this Site, and (iii) your username and password.
- The aforementioned personal information that ACE Exchange automatically collects are classified as C001 (information identifying individuals), C035 (recreational activities and interests), and C036 (lifestyles) in the Purpose and Classification.
- The purposes that ACE Exchange automatically collects the aforementioned personal information are (i) analyzing your usage of ACE Exchange Services and this Site; and (ii) developing and customizing ACE Exchange Services and this Site according to your preferences. The aforementioned purposes are classified as 040 (marketing (including financial cross-selling business)), 090 (consumer, customer management and service), 135 (information (communication) services), 136 (information (communication) and database management), 148 (internet shopping and other electronic commerce services), 157 (investigation, statistics and research analysis) in the Purpose and Classification, and 181 (other business operation in accordance with the business registration or bylaws).
- ACE Exchange will collect your personal information until (a) ACE Exchange ceases to provide Services and this Site, or (b) you explicitly request ACE Exchange to cease to collect your personal information by contacting us through the contact information referred in this Privacy Policy and in accordance with the Article Choice and Rights of Your Information of this Privacy Policy, in which case we may not be able to provide ACE Exchange Services and this Site to you.
- ACE Exchange will collect and store your personal information when you access or use ACE Exchange Services and this Site. Your personal information may be exported outside of the jurisdiction in which you reside and will be stored in Taiwan, provided that the location may change from time to time, depending on the services provider used by ACE Exchange (the “Data Location”). Under those circumstance, the governments, courts, law enforcement, or regulatory agencies of the Data Location may be able to obtain access to your personal information through foreign laws. You need to be aware that the privacy standards of the Data Location may be lower than those of the jurisdiction in which you reside.
Process and Use of Personal Information
- ACE Exchange may process and use your personal information for the purposes, including, but not limited to, the purposes described as below. Please note that one or more purposes may apply simultaneously.
A.Provision of ACE Exchange Services and this Site
ACE Exchange may process and use your personal information to authenticate your identity, validate the process that you access or use ACE Exchange Services and this Site, facilitate your Orders, execute the Trades between you and other users, develop, enhance, and market ACE Exchange Services, provide ACE Exchange Services to you, process billing and collect any fees, or as otherwise may be necessary to execute the agreement between you and ACE Exchange, or to identify you or to ensure the functionality and security of ACE Exchange Services and this Site. The purposes of the aforementioned processing and use are classified as 036 (deposit and remitting), 063 (non-government agency collect or process personal information under legal obligations), 069 (contract, contract-like or other legal relation matter), 090 (consumer, Customer Management and Service), 094 (property management), 135 (information (communication) services), 136 (information (communication) and database management), 148 (internet shopping and other electronic commerce services), 154 (reference), and 181 (other business operation in accordance with the business registration or bylaws) in the Purpose and Classification.
B. Development of ACE Exchange Services and this Site
ACE Exchange may process and use your personal information, Content, and/or Feedback to develop, improve, and customize ACE Exchange Services and this Site. ACE Exchange may also perform research and analytics on your personal information to personalize our offering, for example, to make recommendations and to display customized content and advertising in our websites. The purposes of the aforementioned processing and use are classified as 040 (marketing (including financial cross-selling business)), 090 (consumer, Customer Management and Service), 135 (information (communication) services), 136 (information (communication) and database management), 148 (internet shopping and other electronic commerce services), and 157 (investigation, statistics and research analysis) in the Purpose and Classification.
C. Service-Related Interaction
ACE Exchange may process and use your personal information, Content, and/or Feedback to communicate with you, for example, to provide information relating to ACE Exchange Services and this Site. ACE Exchange may also send service-related email, conduct surveys and get Feedback from you or otherwise interact with you when you register with or access ACE Exchange Services and this Site based on the information you provide us. The purposes of the aforementioned processing and use are classified as 040 (marketing (including financial cross-selling business)), 069 (contract, contract-like or other legal relation matter), 090 (consumer, Customer Management and Service), 135 (information (communication) services), 136 (information (communication) and database management), 148 (internet shopping and other electronic commerce services), 157 (investigation, statistics and research analysis), and 181 (other business operation in accordance with the business registration or bylaws) in the Purpose and Classification.
D. Dispose of de-identified personal information
To the extent permitted by applicable laws, ACE Exchange may dispose the information it collects during the process of providing ACE Exchange Services to other third party, provided that ACE Exchange will take de-identification measures (such as removing personal identifiers and removing or altering other information that may allow any person to be identified). However, please note that there is a possibility that another dataset or other information could be matched with the de-identified information. ACE Exchange does not guarantee that the de-identified information will not be re-identified.
E. Compliance with laws and regulations
ACE Exchange may process and use your personal information, Content, and/or Feedback to meet legal and regulatory requirements, including, but not limited to, Anti-Money Laundering and counter-terrorist financing, or as otherwise may be necessary to execute the agreement between you and ACE Exchange. ACE Exchange reserves the right to retain and share certain personal information in order to meet our regulatory requirements and further to our contractual agreements with partners and third parties. The purposes of the aforementioned processing and use are classified as 063 (non-government agency collect or process personal information under legal obligations), 069 (contract, contract-like or other legal relation matter), 090 (consumer, customer management and service), 137 (information (communication) security and management, 154 (reference), 157 (investigation, statistics and research analysis), and 181 (other business operation in accordance with the business registration or bylaws).
- ACE Exchange will process and use your personal information until (a) ACE Exchange ceases to provide Services and this Site, or (b) you explicitly request ACE Exchange to cease to process and use your personal information by contacting us through the contact information referred in this Privacy Policy, in which case we may not be able to provide ACE Exchange Services and this Site to you.
- ACE Exchange will process and use your personal information and other data in the Data Location and it may be outside of the jurisdiction in which you reside. Under those circumstance, the governments, courts, law enforcement, or regulatory agencies of the Data Location may be able to obtain access to your personal information through foreign laws. You need to be aware that the privacy standards of the Data Location may be lower than those of the jurisdiction in which you reside.
Third Party Analytics and Advertising
To develop or improve ACE Exchange Services and this Site, ACE Exchange may engage third-party service providers to help us collect, research and analyze information about your use of ACE Exchange Services and this Site. These third parties may also use cookies and similar technologies to collect similar information about your use of ACE Exchange Services and this Site. ACE Exchange does not provide any information that can identify you personally to these third-party service providers without your consent. However, ACE Exchange does not control the third parties’ use of such technologies and their use is governed by those parties’ privacy policies, not subject to this Privacy Policy.
- ACE Exchange may allow third-party ad servers or ad networks to serve advertisements on ACE Exchange Services and this Site and on third-party services. These third-party ad servers or ad networks use technology to send, directly to your browser, the advertisements and links that appear on ACE Exchange Services. They automatically receive your IP address when this happens. They may also use other technologies to measure the effectiveness of their advertisements and to personalize the advertising content. ACE Exchange does not provide any information that can identify you personally to these third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent. However, please note that if an advertiser asks ACE Exchange to show an advertisement to a certain audience and you respond to that advertisement, the advertiser or ad server may conclude that you fit the description of the audience they are trying to reach.
- ACE Exchange itself does not respond to “do not track” signals, and we do not control whether third parties do.
Sharing and Disclosure of Information
ACE Exchange values your privacy
ACE Exchange does not share, sell, lease, transfer or otherwise disclose your personal information to third parties unless otherwise stated below.
A. Consent
Except as described in this Privacy Policy, ACE Exchange does not share or transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent.
B. Service Providers
ACE Exchange may share or transfer your personal information with essential third parties, including, but not limited to its Affiliates and the third party service providers, telecommunication companies, and other service providers at the reasonable discretion of ACE Exchange, to facilitate your access to or use of ACE Exchange Services and this Site, enhance our KYC (know your customers) verifications procedures, and assist ACE Exchange with implementation of any Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Policies. These essential third parties may collect, process, and use your personal information, which are classified as C001 (information identifying individuals), C002 (information identifying finance), C003 (information identifying in government data), C011 (description of an individual), C031 (residence and facilities.), C032 (properties), C083 (credit ratings), and C102 (agreement or contract) for the aforementioned purposes, which is classified as 063 (non-government agency collect or process personal information under legal obligations), 069 (contract, contract-like or other legal relation matter), 090 (consumer, customer management and service), 094 (property management), 135 (information (communication) services), 136 (information (communication) and database management), 137 (information (communication) security and management, 154 (reference), 157 (investigation, statistics and research analysis), and 181 (other business operation in accordance with the business registration or bylaws) in the Purpose and Classification. If you do not agree to our sharing with ACE Exchange and its Affiliates and the third party service providers, telecommunication companies or other service providers at the reasonable discretion of ACE Exchange, please do not register with or access ACE Exchange services or this Site. If you have already registered with ACE Exchange or accessed this Site, please contact us immediately through the contact information referred in this Privacy Policy to exercise your rights as stipulated in Article Choice and Rights of Your Information of this Privacy Policy, in which case ACE Exchange may not be able to provide ACE Exchange Services and this Site to you.
C. Legal Compliance and Law Enforcement
ACE Exchange may access, preserve, or disclose your personal information, Content, and/or Feedback if required to do so by applicable laws or in a good faith belief that such access, preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to: (i) comply with legal process or request by a government or quasi-government authority; (ii) enforce the Terms of Use ; (iii) respond to claims that any Content and/or Feedback violates the rights of any other third parties; (iv) enforce or administer our agreement with the users of ACE Exchange Services and this Site, including investigation of potential violations hereof; (v) detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues; or (vi) protect the rights, property or personal safety of ACE Exchange, the users of ACE Exchange Services and this Site and the public.
D. Mergers and Acquisitions
Information that ACE Exchange collects is considered a business asset. Therefore, ACE Exchange may share, transfer or disclose your personal information to third parties when we decide to sell, buy, or merger our businesses with such parties. ACE Exchange may also transfer or assign such information in the course of corporate divestitures, mergers, or dissolution.
Protection of Information
ACE Exchange uses reasonable technical and organizational information security measures 【including but not limited to the establishment of firewalls,encryption technology, user identification system(such as cipher code and personal accounts) and access control mechanism】to provide appropriate protection for your personal information from leaking or unauthorized access and prevent such risks of providing personal information.
ACE Exchange cannot, however, guarantee the personal information you provided or we collected may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by any attacks from hackers or any skilled computer experts.
ACE Exchange attaches great importance to the security of your personal data and discharges the responsibility for protection. At the same time, please keep your personal information, CA (Certificate Authority) certificate or code appropriately, and remind you not to provide any personal information (especially code) to any person or other organization. After using the various service functions provided by this website, please make sure to log out.
- To avoid affecting your user experience, ACE Exchange does not obscure your account (including phone number and email) when you log in to the ACE Exchange website or mobile application (APP). You need to enter your password to view personal information such as user ID, asset information, transaction records, and wallet address after logging in. Since the aforementioned information is not high-risk information such as payment tools (e.g., bank accounts and verification data), ACE Exchange does not obscure this information on the interface. Please ensure the security of your devices, equipment, and related login information, avoid taking screenshots or recording videos during login, or using it in public places to prevent others from reading or peeking at your personal information, which may lead to obtaining login information, tampering with basic identity information, damaging records, or asset loss. If you notice any of the above situations, please immediately notify ACE Exchange to stop related permissions and take preventive measures (including but not limited to suspending deposits, changing passwords, etc.). ACE Exchange will assist in investigating and clarifying the facts of impersonation or misuse, but if the damage is caused by your intentional or negligent behavior, you will be responsible for it yourself.
Choice and Rights of Your Information
- You may exercise your rights stipulated in Choice and Rights of Your Information Section 2 with regard to your personal information collected, processed, and used by ACE Exchange, and you may delete your ACE Exchange Account, in which case we may not be able to provide ACE Exchange Services and this Site to you.
You have the right, subject to the applicable laws and Choice and Rights of Your Information Section 3 and Section 4 of this Privacy Policy,
A. to inquire or request for a review of the personal information ACE Exchange has collected from you;
B. to make duplications of the personal information ACE Exchange has collected from you;
C. to replenish and rectify the personal information ACE Exchange has collected from you;
D. to request ACE Exchange to discontinue our collection, processing and use of the personal information ACE Exchange has collected from you; and
E. to delete any personal information ACE Exchange has collected from you, by yourself or by requesting ACE Exchange to do so, in which case we may not be able to provide ACE Exchange Services and this Site to you thereafter. ACE Exchange cannot, however, delete such personal information that is necessary for compliance with binding legal obligations or if the personal information must be retained according to applicable laws.
Upon your inquiry or request for a review and making duplication of the personal information ACE Exchange has collected from you, ACE Exchange shall determine whether to agree to such request within ten (10) days from the date on which ACE Exchange receives your request, except:
A. when the national security, diplomatic and military secrets, the macroeconomic interests or other major national interests may be harmed;
B. when the performance of official duties may be interfered with; and
C. when the major interests of ACE Exchange or a third person may be affected.
The ten-day period may be extended to a time period of no longer than ten (10) days when necessary and you will be notified of the reason of extension in writing (either in electronic or hard-copy form). Please note that ACE Exchange may charge a fee to those who make an inquiry or request to review, or make duplications of their personal information.
- If you request to supplement and correct your personal data collected by ACE Exchange according to the aforementioned rights, ACE Exchange shall determine whether to agree to the request within thirty days of receiving your request, except in cases where there is a dispute regarding the accuracy of your personal data.The thirty-day period may be extended to a time period of no longer than thirty (30) days when necessary and you will be notified of the reason of extension in writing (either in electronic or hard-copy form).
- You may, as appropriate and in accordance with applicable laws, exercise your rights mentioned above by contacting us through the contact information referred in this Privacy Policy. In some cases, for example, delete or cease the processing or use of your personal information may mean that we may not be able to provide ACE Exchange Services and this Site to you.
Children’s Privacy
ACE Exchange Services and this Site are not intended for those who are minors under the laws applicable to them. We do not knowingly collect personal information from those who are minors under the laws applicable to them and if we become aware of such collection, we will take reasonable steps to delete any such information as soon as practicable.
- ACE Exchange may use cookies to improve and update our services to you. A cookie is a small text file stored by a website in a user’s web browser that allows ACE Exchange to recognize your computer or device. For example, cookies can store your user name and password to eliminate the need for re-entering to access ACE Exchange Services and this Site when you come back to ACE Exchange Services. Cookies can also record your preferences so that ACE Exchange may provide customized services to you.
- If you do not wish to receive cookies, or want to be notified before they are placed, you may set your web browser to do so. Please be noted that if cookies are turned off, you may not be able to view certain parts of ACE Exchange Services and this Site that may enhance our services to you. Some of ACE Exchange’s business partners such as online resources whose content is linked to or from ACE Exchange Services and this Site may also use cookies or similar technologies. However, please understand that we have no access to or control over these cookies.
Third Party Website Links
ACE Exchange Services and this Site contain links to other websites and online resources. This Privacy Policy only covers the privacy practices by ACE Exchange, and does not cover the privacy practices of other websites or online resources. Please be noted that ACE Exchange is not responsible for the privacy policies and/or practices of other websites or online resources. If you link to any other websites or online resources, you shall review the privacy policy of such websites or online resources since your interaction with them should be governed by their privacy policy and rules.
ACE Exchange reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify this Privacy Policy, at any time and without prior notice. If ACE Exchange modifies this Private Policy, ACE Exchange will post the latest revised version at or in other ways that ACE Exchange deems appropriate. By continuing to access or use ACE Exchange Services and this Site after ACE Exchange has posted a modification on the website of ACE Exchange, you are indicating that your agreement and express consent to be bound by the modified Privacy Policy. You may also be asked to re-acknowledge and re-accept the Privacy Policy following any material changes. If the modified Privacy Policy are not acceptable to you, you must cease using ACE Exchange Services and this Site.
Contacting ACE Exchange
If you have any questions about this Private Policy, or exercise relevant rights in accordance with Section Six of the Personal Data Protect Act, please contact ACE Exchange through Customer Service: