ACE Exchange 風險揭露及免責聲明
本網站內容可能無法隨時提供當時最正確、完整或最新之資訊,也可能會發生若干包括技術失準或其他等錯誤。因此本網站上所載的任何信息、內容或服務、任何第三方之資料或任何第三方網站上所載的任何信息、內容或服務,本公司概不負責。您在此確認並同意,ACE Exchange對您所作出的任何決策、應由您自行核實所有訊息後作為您判斷或投資的依據,投資結果亦需由您自行負責。
- 市場風險:請注意,基於市場風險的原因,可能會讓您在虛擬通貨上的投資歸零。有時一個或多個虛擬通貨的市場價格可能會出現大幅度的上下波動。特定虛擬通貨是否會喪失全部或幾近全部的價值,是無法預知的。您在購買、販售、取得、交易或持有虛擬通貨時,都必須保持高度謹慎態度。
- 流動性與交易風險:請注意,虛擬通貨的市場流動性可能存有很大的差異。如果市場交易量稀少,則其波動率可能會增大。現有的虛擬通貨交易市場未來可能會繼續存在,也可能停止經營不復存在。虛擬通貨的價值是波動,您有責任對您個人條件情形仔細評估,以避免造成您在虛擬通貨上的投資潛在損失。
- 法律風險:依您所居住地的所適用或管轄的法律,虛擬通貨的法律地位可能是不確定的。您有責任自行諮詢律師或專業顧問,以瞭解持有、投資或交易虛擬通貨的法律地位和稅務待遇,並且,對於遵守任何及所有相關法律和稅務要求一事,您應自行負擔全部責任。
- 交易對手風險:將虛擬通貨儲存於任何第三方交由其基於保管一事,可能會產生部分風險,包括但不限於安全漏洞、契約違約風險及損失風險。
- 網路安全風險:所有資訊技術系統、個人電腦、行動電話及/或網站,都可能會基於惡意駭客、病毒、特洛伊木馬、電腦代碼或其他方式,而被入侵或遭未經授權進入。雖本網站會盡力以合理的方式控制風險,但無法保證可以完全減免風險。此外,本網站無法控制您訪問我們網站所使用的電腦、行動電話或終端機的安全性,您對於確保上述電腦、行動電話或終端機應隨時處於安全狀態一事,應自行負擔全部責任。
- 網路及電子交易風險:關於使用ACE Exchange服務與本網站相關的風險,可能包括由於任何電腦設備、硬體、軟體和網路連結造成無法傳輸或延遲傳輸,進而導致本網站延遲或故障的情形。
ACE Exchange Risk Disclosure and Disclaimer
ACE Exchange provides services related to the purchase, sale transfer and exchange of digital assets. Trading digital assets (‘Cryptocurrency’) involves a high degree of risk and volatility. You must consider your suitability for purchasing, selling, trading and holding, Cryptocurrency. Our services are suitable for customers who fully understand the risks associated with such services and products. You should not trade more than you can afford to lose. You should ensure that you have carefully considered the risks involved, and seek independent advice. Further information relating to the risks associated with our services are outlined in the Risk Disclosure Statement and Terms of Use, you must ensure that you read and understand these documents prior to opening an account. This Risk Disclosure and Disclaimer is merely a brief introduction to part of the risks you may encounter during the process of holding, buying and selling or trading digital assets. We do not attempt to itemise each and every relevant aspect of all risks. You must do your own research and educate yourself about the associated risks. We provide this information to warn users of some of the potential financial risks of engaging in holding, buying and selling or trading digital assets. It should be read in conjunction with the Risk Statement and Disclosures contained in the Terms of Use.
Warning - Beware of the Risks
Prior to purchasing, selling, trading or holding digital assets or otherwise using services of this website, you should be aware of the risks including, but not limited to the following:
- Market risks: Please note that due to unpredictable market conditions, the value of digital assets may be affected significantly by a wide range of factors (such as market volatility; market sentiment; domestic and international economic and political conditions, changes in government, monetary policies, taxation and other laws and regulations) The changing value of digital assets is unpredictable and uncertain. You must be highly cautious when buying, selling, acquiring, trading, or holding digital currencies.
- Liquidity and trading risks: Please note that there may be significant differences in market liquidity among digital assets. If market trading volume is scarce, its volatility may increase. The existing digital asset exchange markets may continue to exist in the future, however, they may stop operating and no longer exist. The value of digital currency is volatile and you are responsible for carefully assessing your personal conditions to avoid potential losses.
- Legal risks: Currently, digital assets are not recognised as legal tender in many jurisdictions and do not have essential value. Their legal position may affect your legal rights, obligations, declaration obligations and tax law obligations related to holding, purchasing, selling or trading digital assets. You are solely responsible for understanding the legal position and requirements for digital asset dealing and for complying with any and all relevant legal, tax or declaration requirements.
- Counter-party risks: The storage of digital currency in the custody of any third party may increase risk, including but not limited to security breaches, contractual default risk and risk of losses.
- Cybersecurity risks: All information technology systems, personal computers, mobile phones and websites may be compromised or accessed without authorisation by malicious hackers, viruses, trojan horses, malware, computer codes or other means. Although we take all reasonable measures to reduce risks, we do not guarantee that risks can be fully controlled or avoided. In addition, we do not exercise control over the computers, mobile phones or terminals you use to access our website and you are solely responsible for ensuring that your computers, mobile phones or terminals are safe at all times.
- Online and electronic transaction risks: Please note that delays or failures of transactions may occur caused by computer equipment, hardware, software, and internet connections.
We are not an investment or trading adviser
ACE Exchange is not a financial investment or trading adviser. You should consider seeking independent legal, financial, taxation or other relevant advice to understand how the website information relates to your unique circumstances.It is suggested that before holding or trading any digital currency, you must consider all relevant factors, including but not limited to your personal investment objectives, investment experience and your risk-taking ability.
Accuracy of information
We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information on our website and mobile phone app. Errors including technical inaccuracies may occur within the information we provide. As a result, we are not responsible for the accuracy of the information or other content on this website, any third party data or any information, content or services on any third party websites.
Limitation of liability
We do not guarantee uninterrupted services or the promptness and security of our services. To the maximum extent permitted by relevant laws:
- ACE Exchange are not liable for any loss or damage caused arising from your use of, or reliance on, the information provided by our website or any other user of our services;
- ACE Exchange shall not be liable for, and you agree not to hold or seek to hold or any of its agents or services providers liable for any technical problems, system failures and malfunctions, communication line failures, equipment or software failures or malfunctions, system access issues, system capacity issues, high Internet traffic demand, security breaches and unauthorised access, and other similar computer problems and defects;
ACE Exchange shall not be liable for errors, insults, slanders, inactions, obscenity, pornography or blasphemy caused by third parties that you may encounter in the course of using our services.